Kimmy Manzo

Fall Bucket List – Creating Memories

Y’all know I love the Fall season. I sleep, eat, and breathe all things about this season and this year since we have our own home, I wanted to create a little bucket list to commemorate our first fall in our new home. Our forever home.

This year, I am still using my Happy Planner that I began using at the beginning of the year and with that comes all their super cute stickers and the never ending ideas you can do. One of them is a cute little scrapbook like fall bucket list and I fully took advantage of doing one this past weekend. I sat down with my sticker books and carved out everything we would do this year. From pumpkin picking to going trick or treating, it’s all there.

fall bucket list

I originally was going to do a little check list but I decided to add some boxes underneath each one in order for me to write down the date that we do these different things. I can look back on it in a few years and remember that my sweet babes were 9, 4, and 2 during this time when we went and did all those things.

In the end, while this is super aesthetically pleasing to look at and having in my planner, this is what is going to keep our memories alive for years to come. I will look back on those dates and feel so much nostalgia for this time.

Even with as crazy as 2021 has been, my babies will never be this age again so I want to soak up all the memories that I can and I feel like having this super cute bucket list will do that for me!

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