Kimmy Manzo

A Letter to My Husband on Father’s Day

Dear Robert,

It’s Father’s Day 2021 and you have officially been a dad for about 5 years now. I still remember the day that I asked you if you were absolutely sure that being in a relationship with me was what you wanted. I asked this because it wasn’t just me, I was a package deal. Adylee was only 3 and a half at the time and her biological dad had been in and out of her life for so long that she needed that stability male father figure in her life. Without hesitation, you said yes and the rest is truly history.

Father's Day

I have watched you step into a ready made family with ease and then welcome your own first child into this world. Your son. You balanced fatherhood way better than I could ever balance motherhood sometimes. Then we welcomed our last baby, a girl. I watched as not one but two girls had you wrapped around their finger and also Giovanni because he is the only boy. Your patience with them is admirable I will tell you that. You are that rock when I am falling apart during the hard seasons in parenting and I will forever be thankful.

But, this isn’t about that. This is my appreciation for everything that you do for our family. The example you set for our son when it comes to how a man should work hard to provide for his family. The example you set for our daughters to love a man who is willing to give them the world but also keep them grounded. And the biggest example you set for all three? That a man should be the spiritual leader of the family and bring them closer to God.

You had to face some serious struggles growing up and I truly believe that those struggles are what shaped you into the man you are today. They brought you closer to God and in turn, it led me to you. God brought us together and no man will tear us apart. You are exactly who I have always wanted in a partner and also exactly who I want to be the father of my children. You are Adylee’s father no matter what a blood test may say because you are the man who has put a roof over her head and provided her with the life she has now. Don’t ever forget that.

I can’t begin to thank you enough for the sacrifices you make for our family. You work extra hard so that you can continue to provide for us while I stay home with our babies and hold down the fort at home. There are just no words for how grateful I am for that. I always dreamed of being able to stay home with the kids and you made that dream a reality.

On this Father’s Day, we thank you. We thank you for all you do for us and we thank God that He put you in front of me.

I hope you have an amazing day today as this day is dedicated to you. Enjoy your Yes Day, my love.



I’ve connected with some amazing bloggers to share some Father’s Day Gift Ideas! Amazon ideas, diy, homemade from kids and more! Head to each of their blogs to check out what they are sharing


10 Inexpensive Father’s Day Gift Ideas Including A Free Printable


Hot Daddy Summer: Father’s Day Gift Guide


Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide


Traveling Dad

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