Kimmy Manzo

St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bin

Another holiday, another fun sensory bin! This time we’re going over the rainbow and looking for a pot of gold for St. Patrick’s Day. I decided to do something a little different with this holiday and dyed noodled inside of rice. The sky is certainly the limit when it comes to sensory bins. You could even do Lucky Charms and add all the fun sensory items to that as well.

Dying The Noodles

To dye the noodles, it was a bit of a different process than dying the rice. I grabbed a gallon size ziplock bag and poured a few different types of noodles into the bag to give them variety. Then, I poured a small splash of rubbing alcohol into the bag and about 10ish drops of the green food dye. I sealed the bag and then shook it all up making sure every single noodle was covered. Once it looked about all covered, I let it sit in the ziplock about 10 minutes making sure to give it a few shakes every now and then.

sensory bin

Once they were completely covered, I then laid them out to dry for a few hours on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Once they were then dry, I then transferred it to the sensory bin and added in all the items.

Sensory Bin Items

I thought the noodles would be fun since my littles would certainly eat all the Lucky Charms instead of playing with it. I grabbed all of the sensory items from Party City and Dollar Tree, which who knew they’d have so many great pieces! We put gold coins in and out of the little pots and talked about four leaf clovers and how they are lucky. We even went on a gold treasure hunt by covering all the gold pieces underneath the noodles and then dug to find it. Our own little pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

Enjoy Photos Below of the Kids Playing!

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