Kimmy Manzo

Top 5 Ways To Get In Your Protein

Protein is huge in a diet and sometimes people struggle to meet their protein goal. I know I have quite a few times which then leaves me to research all the ways that I can get it in. Im here to give you 5 ways that you can get protein in your diet if you struggle to meet your goal like me.

Number 1


Protein doesn’t necessarily mean eat an abundance of chicken. Sure, that helps but there are many other ways to get it in throughout the day. Breakfast for example! Start with some hard boiled eggs, a protein packed yogurt (be sure to read the label), peanut butter on a protein waffle or toast. These are all great ways to start with protein and can also be great snacks throughout the day as well.

Some of my favorite brands include:

Number 2

Always have protein with your lunch and be sure to eat that first so you don’t fill up on the carbs. Yes, I said eat carbs. Let’s be real you can’t avoid them because they are in EVERYTHING but you can cut down on them and still keep your new healthy lifestyle. Tip: avoid the word diet because you are less likely to fall off when you do. I’m speaking from experience here. Lean meats are always the way to go when looking for what type of protein to eat for meals. Think anything that isn’t red meat so that’s your chicken, fish, turkey. Your favorite meats that are usually made with red meat all come in a chicken or turkey form these days so you can still have that meatball and spaghetti dinner just use chicken meatballs and a protein spaghetti. Killing two birds with one stone!

Number 3

Snacks. My favorite time of the day is snack time so I love grabbing all the protein packed snacks I can find. You can use the same snacks from above if you chose not to eat them for breakfast or you can grab something super quick like a protein snack bowl such as the Sargento protein packs. Be careful as they do tend to have more carbs then I prefer to eat but, they are a great way to get in some. Nuts are also a great source of protein!

Number 4

Of course you can’t forget your veggies! Simply adding in a cup of broccoli to your meal can up your protein. I personally love doing broccoli and cauliflower mixed roasted in the oven with some delicious seasoning. Just because you are changing the way you eat doesn’t mean you have abandon all seasoning! Just be extremely mindful of which ones are packed with sugar and sodium!

Number 5

Lastly, you can always get in some protein by drinking a protein smoothie/shake. Protein powder mixed with collagen, hemp/flax seeds and a milk based alternative…you’re set! You can also add in a handful of spinach for an extra boost and the best part is, you won’t even taste the spinach. I love to add in some berries to help hide the taste of spinach as well. The sky is almost the limit when it comes to this because you have the ability to really get in a lot of protein this way.

There you have it! 5 ways to get in your protein for the day if you’re struggling to meet your macro goal. Now, don’t get insanely discouraged if you don’t always meet the goal because it can be difficult to do every single day. Just know that you’re in the right direction and just trying to change the way you eat is step one!

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